The School Diary is a record of reference. All the students must bring their diaries to the school everyday and parents should check and sign these diaries regularly. Beside School Diary, class diary is also provided for every child. Parents should sign this and send it to the class teacher through the child.
Ensure that a good attendance is maintained by your child.
Make sure your child is punctual in submitting assignments and home works.
Do Acknowledge the remarks of the teacher.
Every pupil must come modestly and neatly dressed in complete school uniform.
No excuse will be given to your child in any matters, unless and other wise a request is submitted by the parent through diary.
Attend the open house compulsorily to understand your child’s progress in learning. For your absence, explanation on must be produced to the principal before 11am on the next working day.
Parents are not allowed to meet the teacher, enter the class or staff room or to meet the children without the permission of the principal.
The school is not responsible for any loss of valuable belongings of the students
Students suffering from contagious or infectious diseases will not be allowed to attend the class.
In case of the any personal grievances with regards to school matters, parents are requested to meet the principal or manager. Any kind of talks of criticism in or outside the campus will not be promoted.
The Management may require a parent to withdraw his/her child in case he/she does not fit in with the regulations of school or is found guilty of serious misconduct. In such cases the decisions of Management will be final.
The change of address of students must be notified to the school authorities on due time
Promotion is given on the basis of the whole year’s performance of the student. Astudent who secures the required percentage/grades alone will be promoted to the next grade. In case if found necessary re-test will be conducted.